Nearly everybody prefers to get a massage for relaxation and stress relief. Besides reposing your body and soul a Sport massage has plenty of health benefits. When comes to massages for relieving muscle pain a Sport Massage is the most effective massage. The massage is enough to find you relief from muscle soreness. Sometimes after a rigorous exercise the muscles begin to become sore and within 12 to 24 hours the pain becomes unbearable. In such scenario a Sports Massage at Rubs Spa would be the healing power at the moment.
It is claimed that a Sports Massage can help you get rid of all sorts of muscle pain and heal muscle injuries. At Rubs Spa the massage is specially designed for sports persons that include- players, people at the gym and athletes. The stretching techniques involved in a sports massage aim at relaxing your body, drive out muscle pain and heal muscle soreness.
There are many techniques involved in a Sports Massage. The therapist can perform the massage through different techniques. The massage strokes target at stretching your fascia that surrounds the muscles, organs and bones in the body. During the massage the muscle tissues are gently stretched and then the pressure is increased until the practitioner heals till the deep tissue layers.
Sometimes during a Sport Massage passive soft tissue release method is used to stretch the muscles. The masseuse stretches the muscle fascia and tendons which connects the muscles to the bones. This is followed several times till your muscles are totally relaxed and healed.
How does a Sport Massage Begin
A Sport Massage at Rubs Spa is done in a grandeur. After effects of the massage are so bliss that you would feel a heavenly state. The massage therapist will ask to you lie on a professional massage table or couch and lubricate the body with massage oil. Then he/she will apply massage strokes on your body to heal the sore muscles and broken muscle tissues from a high intensity workout or such.
You must talk with the therapist to customize your massage and inform him/her if you have any injuries or are suffering from any medical ailment.
Benefits of a Sport Massage
Stress and Pain Reduction
A sports massage is enough to get to rid of stress and pain. As you know massages at Rubs Spa are done for relaxation and healing. When you get a sports massage your body releases endorphins which are neurotransmitters. Release of endorphins lead to the decrease the level of anxiety, muscle pain and enhance your mood.
Heal Muscle Soreness
It has been studied that after a workout the sore muscle pains the most between 24 to 72 hours after the workout. If you are suffering from muscle soreness a Sports Massage can help. It prevents onset muscle soreness by boosting lymph and blood flow throughout the body.